Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Day The Earth Stood Still new trailer and impressions


While I, like Harry at Aint It Cool, believe that a DTESS remake is COMPLETELY unnecessary (since the original was such a somber masterpiece of science fiction), this new film which bears the same title, but obviously is not the same film, still may be interesting enough for me to actually consider seeing. There are some really cool concepts at work here, which may just be that interesting considering how the re-makers are trying to create something from almost nothing, and it was that "nothing" that made the original so unique. It's a "less is more" approach. Still, it looks flashy and dramatic, so I'll still see it, just like the inevitably awful DRAGONBALL film.


Cesar A. Longoria II said...

Good gosh, you saw the Dragon Ball trailer.

Rodimus45 said...

Yea.. I didn't like the film either I saw the original the Thursday before the film came out and I thought it was SO MUCH better