Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Twilight Princess - SPOILERS

I have just finished what is easily one of the greatest videogame adventures of all the history of electronic interactive entertainment.

And that is saying something, dammit.

Zelda has always meant something to me...not merely as an enjoyable videogame, but as the game that introduced me to just how amazing an experience a videogame can be.
Most "mainstream" folks now reading this (however few there may be) will start rolling their eyes and muttering "It's just a damn videogame." True. It is just a videogame. Just like how a movie is just a movie, or a book is just a book. So, none of those could possibly insight deep emotions within us, now could they? ....Sarcasm aside, it was nothing less that the Ocarina of Time, the first ever three-dimentional Zelda title, which rekindled my love of videogames, which I assumed had left me back in the days of Sega Genesis and "Sega Channel," and so forth.
After playing and finishing the game, I was absolutely taken aback by the idea of "the journey," or "the quest." I was, to put it in such a way, undertaking a Quest of a Hero, only thought to be do-able in ancient days past, or not at all except in our own imaginations.
Did the deeds of the Hero that day help people? People living in the real, flesh-and-blood world? Not really. It didn't feed the hungry or cure the sick...it was about a week's worth of entertainment and escapism, but then again, so is a book, and a movie, and so on...


But enough philosophy. Twilight Princess: how good is it? Well, look on any gaming site and you'll see for yourself. This game is easily the most cinematic and the most technically sound title of the series, perhaps even for the Gamecube and Nintendo as a whole (arguably, anyway). Character development is top-notch, knocking Wind Waker right off the top. The graphics, though at times archaic, can be so beautiful, and make full use of the Gamecube's processing power, nearing that of Resident Evil 4.
In terms of the story, it's one of the most unique concepts to date, despite Majora's Mask beating it in the originality department. There are references and influences from nearly every Zelda title, particularly from Ocarina of Time (as if anyone hadn't guessed).

The most interesting aspect of it, however, is that this isn't really a story about Link, nor is it about Zelda, nor even Ganondorf. It's a story about Midna, the little imp from the Twilight Realm who, in the end, IS the Twilight Princess. She is easily the best character in the Zelda series, and I challenge ANYONE to contest that. She goes through a truly compelling transformation, as she and Link grow closer as allies in the quest to save Hyrule and the Twilight. Oh, and there is definitely romance between the two, or at least a budding love. Of course, as the game ends, it's unlikely the two will ever be together, and thus, we have the "bittersweet ending," the sacrifice that we all know Zelda stories must entail to some extent (as noted at zeldalegends.net) (Of course, this leaves the door wide open for Link and Ilia).
The Triforce trio are indeed integral to the story, but the story isn't about the Triforce, really. We had that in Wind Waker, as well as Ocarina, so the story of the Triforce has been told. Link doesn't get a whole lot of backstory, either, especially considering that he's pretty much just THERE. He's a farm boy with no parents, no real explanation to his past, or to just "why" he's the Chosen Hero, other than that he was simply born with the Triforce within himself. Same goes for Zelda. Ganondorf himself is given little explanation, other than what's essentially the same story we heard in Ocarina.
Again, it is the Twilight that takes center stage...though, of course, it is still a Zelda game. Link has his own story to tell, his own people to protect and aid, but it ultimately comes down to the Twilight, and what must be done to separate the worlds of Light and Shadow, despite, in Zelda's own words, they being "two sides of the same coin."

Another note I'd like to mention would be the characterizations of the Triforce Trio. Link is quiet, of course, but it can be inferred that he speaks a few times (so he isn't mute). However, this Link is much more cheerful than his Ocarina counterpart....MUCH more cheerful (of one looks, you'll see that Ocarina/Majora's Mask Link are plastered with a permanent scowl). Oddly, Link is just as, if not more expressive as a wolf (which, by the way, makes for a lot of very interesting gameplay moments).
Zelda has a very interesting manner about her in this outing. We finally have a sense of her being a very calm, collected, and wise ruler of the nation of Hyrule, much more so than any other game. She's hardly emotional, but it plays to her well, strengthening her as a character with a mighty resolve. She is brave, perhaps almost as much as Link.
Ganondorf is deliciously maniacal. I'd go so far as to compare him to Megatron of Transformers fame! I do feel that he could have used more screentime...then again, we got a lot of him in Wind Waker and Ocarina again, so we know who he is, no question (a bit more backstory into his motivation couldn't hurt, though. You listening, Nintendo?)
Another character of note has to be Zant, who we all assume was the lead villain (but, of course, is not). I myself assumed him to be the all-powerful badass, akin to Sephiroth even...how wrong I was. The final revelation of Zant's past is a sight to behold.
My final thought (for this entry, anyway) would have to be the design and art direction of the game. There are some truly inspired designs here, taking from all past Zelda games, as well as various other influences in different cultures around the world (for costume and character design, anyway). The monsters and enemies are simply marvelous, my favorites being the Helmasaurus, the Bulbin (or Moblin) King, and Dark Beast Ganon.

One more thing: many will try and place this Zelda game in the context of the rest of the series, of which there is already an extremely poor continuity. The only Zelda games with solid continuities are Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and the Wind Waker (with Phantom Hourglass to be added). A few other of the titles MIGHT have continuity, but it's a fuzzy leap. Gametrailers.com presented a few options, but if one takes into account the backstory and elements of Hyrule in Twilight Princess, the only game with any connection would be Ocarina of Time, and even THAT is a stretch, considering that Hyrule's geography is totally out-of-synch between the two (not to mention that Ganon has a very different "origin") There are references to be had, however, in the form of "The Hero" from the distant past being mentioned (and even appearing) in the game. It is likely that this Hero helped to protect Hyrule and serve the Royal Family, but whether or not he faced Ganondorf is hard to say, as it's never mentioned. I would say that this is a stand-alone Zelda game. No real connection with any other Hyrules or Links or Zeldas or Ganons. But that's just my opinion.

The Hero's Quest was long (a solid week for me) but damn well worth it. A bit easy at times, a bit confusing at others, but still damn amazing. It is now neck-and-neck with Ocarina of Time on my "Favorites" list.
Why doesn't it topple that archaic, muddy-looking game? It was my re-introduction to gaming, and can never be replaced. Twilight Princess, however, can now not be replaced from it's side.

May the Triforce be with you ;)

(NOTE: Expect fanart)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Church attempts to HIDE Hominid origins

First and foremost, my sincere and deep apologies to anyone who may, and surely WILL be offended by this, but what's happening here is just downright WRONG. Censorship of scientific evidence to elevate one's own power is about as low as it gets.

From Livescience.com and Palaeoblog (excerpt):

"Scientist Fights Church Effort to Hide Museum's Pre-Human Fossils" -

Famed paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey is giving no quarter to powerful evangelical church leaders who are pressing Kenya's national museum to relegate to a back room its world-famous collection of hominid fossils showing the evolution of humans' early ancestors.

Leakey called the churches' plans "the most outrageous comments I have ever heard."

He told The Daily Telegraph (London): "The National Museums of Kenya should be extremely strong in presenting a very forceful case for the evolutionary theory of the origins of mankind. The collection it holds is one of Kenya's very few global claims to fame and it must be forthright in defending its right to be at the forefront of this branch of science." Leakey was for years director of the museum and of Kenya's entire museum system.
Leaders of Kenya's Pentecostal congregation, with six million adherents, want the human fossils de-emphasized....
"Our doctrine is not that we evolved from apes, and we have grave concerns that the museum wants to enhance the prominence of something presented as fact which is just one theory," the bishop said.

(end excerpt)

My thoughts:
I honestly thought I could avoid this whole arguement after a rather uncomfortable debacle a few months back that nearly cost me a friend, but this is something I feel I have a responsibility to rant and rave about.
I have nothing against religious individuals. My girlfriend is a devout Christian and a wonderful human being, and she herself believes in the Creation and Genesis. I myself take to heart that a divine force guides this universe. But she and I both agree that to hide things from people so that one can perpetuate their own "truth" is, to be blunt, disgusting. Evolution may not be the Pentecostal's belief, but to attempt to HIDE scientific evidence of another belief system from people is an excercise in an attempt to gain more power.
People, especially those who visit museums out of genuine scientific curiousity, have every, EVERY right to know all possible views and theories, be it science or religion. They, in turn, are totally capable of making their own decisions based on what they have learned or seen.
Science, and the Theory of Evolution in particular, doesn't pretend to know all of the answers. It's a flawed theory that is constantly being adjusted and improved, and is just the best we have to go off of when looking at the world in a practical view. Charles Darwin himself stated that "the Creator" instigated evolution, but himself admitted, on his death bed, that he regretted starting such a massive divide in the world, yet stood by his theory. Religion and Science can only mix in the minds of individuals, because one is based on faith and faith alone (and needs no evidence), and the other is based on tests and factual evidence (of which there is plenty to support evolution).Evolution could simply be the answer to the "how" and not the "why."
I don't want to start any flame-wars or hate-mail, but please, PLEASE just consider that which I have said without jumping to conclusions...even though I may have jumped to a few myself. Perhaps I'm wrong? Perhaps YOU'RE wrong? Perhaps we're ALL wrong? No way to tell. We just do what we can with what we're given, simple as that.

God bless.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Primal Rage retrospective - part 1

In 1994, a video game expo made its way to the then-small but still growing town of San Antonio, Texas, where, after much hype and promotion, the arcade classic Primal Rage made its debute, and a hyperactive little maniac named Matt Frank "raged" on the arcade machine for a good several hours before his brain suddenly short-circuted from overwhelming "badassitude" (a phenomenon dubbed by the various great minds of the early 21st Century scientific community).

That said, Primal Rage was a wonderful bit of "space filler" in the hectic and merchandise-flooded days of my grade-school youth, alongside Gargoyles, Street Sharks, Beast Wars and randomly reoccurring obessions with Power Rangers >_>
Primal Rage was an unconventional gaming experience (at least in America) because it made its mark by adding a whole new level of creativity to the traditional fighting game (which always invoved random martial artists and, for some reason, Panda bears).

In one of my recent "subsequent childhoods" (I do believe that I'm somewhere near my 14th or 15th), I rediscovered just how damn COOL this game's concept was...so, I decided to start a series of glamor-shots of each Primal Rage character, and even taking some liberties with each.


Diablo is a fan-favorite amoungst many gamers (including his creator, Cameron Petty), being as how his character was one of pure and absolute evil. Apparently, Diablo is supposed to be a kind of Allosaur, but it's somewhat obvious in the game that he and Sauron share the same character model. So, I took some liberties here and made him a horrific fusion of allosaur, carnotaur and ceratosaur.


The great Yeti God and main protagonist of the game, despite being so brutal, Blizzard is said to be a noble spirit who seeks to protect his home and followers. I didn't really alter Blizzard much here, sans making him more humanoid.

I'll hopefully be able to continue this series up to the chracters introduced for the ill-fated "Primal Rage 2."
UP NEXT: Vertigo and Armadon!

Primal Rage and all characters related are copyright Atari, 1994

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Immortal No More

Ox-Bow experience

Here's some pictures I uploaded out of my camera from Ox-Bow.

Our class on the last day...can you guess which one is me?

My rather ill-tempered friend and his rivals in this merry-go-round called life ;) (Especially ill-tempered having being hauled out of the water by the tail...but that's another story)

Our studio, where we spent many a night up until about 2 AM...14 hour work days SUCK.

The incredible forest that surrounds the campus.

A nice parting shot.

(Stay tuned for "Immortal No More")

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Oh yes, that sounds appropriate, for several reasons, of course.
First of all, I have returned from the Ox-Bow school of the arts, a small retreat not far from the shore of Lake Michigan. Secondly, I have survived a solid 2 weeks of doing ANYTHING but relaxing, and thirdly, because of my recent (re)obsession with Transformers :D
Really, the whole experience was incredibly worthwhile, being as the tiny community of Saugatuck-Douglas is not only very arts-oriented, but also very integrated with the incredibly dense and gorgeous forests in the area.
I gots me lotsa' pictures to post somewhere at some point (hopefully including myself tackling a 25 lb snapping turtle ^^ ) and I made quite a few new friends while in the class.
As for the class itself, it was RE-DONKULOUS...as in ridiculously difficult at times, but to make a 4-page comic in 2 weeks is much more demanding than one would expect.
The class itself was excellent, as taught by Jessica Abel (who herself has created the "Artbabe" series and the EXCELLENT graphic novel "La Perdita") Despite being a tad biased against the more "mainstream" or "superhero" comics, she was very supportive of our development as artists and encouraged us to pursue our personal storytelling styles.
Everyone in the class did a great job, IMO (even though a few of us didn't finish...which goes to show what kind of work goes into comics).

I plan on posting my short story, "Immortal No More" sometime tomorrow, because right now, I'm eager to veg on some comics that I didn't make ;)

(Oh, PS, the new G-Fan published my review of King Kong!)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Off to "comic book boot camp"...

(First bit of blog-exclusive art, Hannah Dundee and Hermes from Mark Schultz's brilliant "Xenozoic Tales")

I'll be taking the next two weeks "off" so-to-speak, and since I'm unsure of whether I'm bringing my laptop along with me, I decided to post a heads-up, since I won't have scanner access.

So, I'm off to the Ox-bow art school, where I'll be taking 5-hour classes, 5 days a week...yay me -_-
But seriously, I managed to procure a scholarship to the course entitled "Drawing: Making Comics." Thus, I shall be spending many finger-bleeding hours working on the techniques of panel-layout, story development, and inking techniques.
So, hopefully I'll return relatively unscathed, and then I'll be able to work on summore art, besides what I've worked on at Ox-bow.

See ya! *runs screaming out of a window*

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Aaron Smith 1970-2006

The Godzilla fandom was dealt a heavy blow on Tuesday when Aaron Smith, owner of the site Monster Zero (www.monsterzero.us) passed away after a major cardiac arrest.
At only 36, Aaron was surely taken away at a young age, but did more for the Godzilla fandom in his short time than many other fans can say for themselves.

I followed Monster Zero's development since the days of "Godzilla News" back in 1999 in the "post-GINO" era, and through Monster Zero, I found myself new friends and allies in a community of like-minded individuals, and I owe that to Aaron.

"SIKESTON — Aaron J. Smith, 36, died at 5:07 p.m. May 30, 2006, at Missouri Delta Medical Center.

Born Feb. 9, 1970, in Fort Gordon, Ga., son of the late Alex and Polly Lou Gestring Smith Jr., he was a 1988 graduate of Sikeston High School and a 1994 graduate of Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau. He was self-employed as a Web site designer.

Survivors include: one brother and sister-in-law, Eric and Reagan Smith of New Madrid; one sister and brother-in-law, Maria and Cliff Crowden of Sikeston; and one niece and five nephews.

A private family memorial service will be held at a later date.

Nunnelee Funeral Chapel is in charge of arrangements."

(From Monster Zero front page)

Support for Aaron's memory is much appreciated, so go visit MZ and leave a message or two.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Howdy ya'll!

Gettin' things of to a start here. Welcome bloggers and viewers to my blog, Matt's Screaming Brain!
I noticed that many artists have their own blogs, and I basically said "why the hell not?" and made myself a blog, dubbed from this day on "Matt Frank's Screaming Brain," mostly because my brain likes to make loud noises while THINKIN'...

So, methinks I'll post my most recent (and first) published work: the cover to G-Fan issue 75! Enjoy as I mess around with this blog's settings...